
This is my blog madeover to include other residents of Pleasantview as I try my hand at running it from their point of view.

There is a bit of strategic nudity occasionally and I write as I feel the sims would talk so there is also "adult language." (that makes me laugh.....so how adult am I?) Anywho, you've been warned!

Visit homepage of Pleasantview's most prominent famlily: Taylor Family Legacy

Monday, June 22, 2009

Trouble in Paradise: Part II

No, these tears aren't because of these HUGE zits on my face. My life is in the toilet and it's all my fault......I don't even know where to begin.....I suppose the beginning would be as good a start as any............
I had been seeing Tyson for a while and my parents still didn't know. I mean they would have freaked if I told them I was dating a college guy. Yes, I'm only 16 but I will be graduating next year and going off to college the summer after that so I think its ok. But my parents wouldn't so I didn't tell them. I got all dressed up and got ready to go meet Tyson downtown. I told my parents that I was going to meet Arianna.

Once I got down to FM, I called Tyson to come by. He was so sweet to me and we had been slowly getting more and more serious. The first time we had sex I was really nervous. Looking back now I know that I wasn't ready. But I knew that girls in college would have sex with Tyson and I didn't want to disappoint him. When we first began seeing each other, he was really uncomfortable about the age difference. But that all seemed to disappear and he just treated me like any other girl. And it was great.....it was what I wanted at the time.

At first it only happened when my parents were at work and Tyler was gone. But then Tyson wanted to do it more often so we had to get more creative. Hey, don't judge me, we loved each other and so I figured that it was ok. I was even thinking about introducing Tyson to my parents.
He was a wonderful guy who just happened to be alittle older than me. But it didn't matter to either one of us and so I knew it wouldn't matter to Tyson. That last day he told me that he was studying abroad for a semester and would be gone for a few months. I was heart broken! But he assured me that he would miss me like crazy and that when he got back we would pick things up where we left off. I had total faith in him......

In the weeks that followed, I became more and more tired and was sleeping during the day. I figured it was because I was missing Tyson. I thought that maybe I had fallen into a depression. So I decided to get out of my funk and get back to my life until he came back........but I was still tired........
After almost a month and a half went by and I was still so tired, I decided to get a pregnancy test. Oh, I didn't think it was even possible but I wanted to be sure......and the test came back positive......I felt like it was the end of my life! What would I do with a baby? I turned to the one person who I thought could help me....

I called Arianna over and she didn't give me the response I thought she would.
"Christa, how could you be so stupid? I told you this was a bad idea......but I let it go because you said he made you so happy," she said.
"Arianna, look I know ok? But Tyson isn't that type of guy. I think things will be ok. I'll tell him when he gets back from his trip and I know that he will want to take care of me and the baby."
"Oh, Christa.......I don't know......I don't think Tyson is going to want a baby," she said.
"Oh, and you think I do? Me and him made this baby together.....out of love.......he loves me Arianna and I know he will take care of me," I yelled.
"Fine. Prove me wrong. But you need to tell your parents."
"What? Are you crazy? They're gonna freak! I can't tell them."
"You have to Christa! You need to start going to the doctor so you can make sure the baby is ok and there are things that you need to do," she said.
"I'm gonna tell them. I just want to wait until Tyson gets back so we can tell them together."
"No, Christa you can't wait. They need to know now so you can take care of that kid.......I can't believe my best friend is pregnant!"
"How do you think I feel?"
"Christa I really do hope that this works out for you. Babies are pretty serious things, ya know? And your parents are going to freak and I just don't want Tyson to bail and then you have no one to help you," she said hugging me.
"Ari, he's not going to bail! I can't tell you how many times he's told me he loves me. This will be fine. By the time he graduates, I'll be headed off to school and we can both work and take care of the baby."
"You changed your mind about college?" she asked.
"Hey, I have more responsiblities now. So I have to get a good job."
"Good luck girl," she said as she left.
Luck......yea I was going to need that.......
I told my parents and let's just say that it didn't go very well........I don't really want to relive every detail, but they were both disappointed and there was alot of yelling and screaming. The bottom line was that they thought I had ruined my life and that Tyson was going to leave me.....but I held on to my hope in our love........

Morning sickness was awful. It's alot better now, but in the beginning, I thought I was going to die! My parents still made me go to school. It was really hard because I was the talk of the school. But I figured I could deal with it for a few months. Then the baby would arrive and I would finish high school and never have to see them ever again!
My appetite picked up too. I was constantly in the fridge eating! Mom and dad only talked to me when it was absolutely neccessary. Mom took me to my doctor's appointments and dad would ask me every now and then how I was feeling. It made me really sad but I knew that once Tyson came back and they saw what a great guy he was, things would be better between us.......

And so here I am now......I actually look pregnant and I feel so fat! Ugh I can't wait for this to be over! Tyson is on his way over......I'm kinda nervous.......I didn't tell him about the baby. I didn't want to tell him over the phone, ya know? This is definitely a conversation to have face to face....

But Tyson isn't the man I thought he was.......
"What the hell Christa? Don't even try pinning that thing on me!" he said.
"Thing? This "thing" as you put it is our baby, you jerk! How dare you!"
"How dare I? Come on, Christa........there's no way........I've been gone for months and you never said a word about a baby!"
"I found out right after you left Ty and I didn't want to tell you over the phone," I said.
"Let me guess. You told the real father and he doesn't want anything to do with a 16 year old slut so you decided that you were going to pin it on me, right? Well think again!"
"Slut?..........but Ty......," I started.
I didn't get a chance to finish because my mom and dad ran outside.
"Don't you dare call my daughter a slut, you pedophile! Where do you come off?" my mom yelled.
"In your daughter, that's how I know what kind of girl she is. I'm about to finish college and I'm not going to have some chick pinning a baby on me," he said.
"You keep asking for this ass kicking and I'm going to give it so you!" she said.
"Bring it on old woman! Look, you need to keep better tabs on your daughter......I was all up in your house when you two were sleeping.....so maybe your sweet little Christa ain't so sweet!"
"You watch how you talk to my wife, you little punk. Why don't you just get the hell out of here before you come up missing," my dad said.
"Oh now YOU want to threaten me? I said what I had to say. Don't get mad at me because your daughter gets around!"
"Maybe if you were a better mother she wouldn't be so wild.....maybe this is your fault. You don't know how many times I had to listen to her whine about how you don't understand her and how you want her to be the daughter you could never be to your mother. SO I guess this is YOUR fault. But you can blame the little mistake on somebody else.....the kid isn't mine and I don't need people thinking it is!"

"You keep your damn hands off my wife! I told Christa you were a loser. Trust me, she doesn't need you for anything. But let me tell you this, you better stay the hell away from my daughter. I mean don't call her, don't text her, don't talk about her, don't even THINK about her. And you watch what the hell you say about my family," my dad yelled as he shoved Tyson.

"Are you kidding me? Don't you ever put your hands on me again old man. And I will say whatever I want to about your daughter, your wife, your whole damn family! Your daughter is wild........you want me to tell you how wild? You want to know all the different ways and different places I had her?"
After he says that, I see through my window that my dad jumped on him! I hope he kicks his ass......I can't believe I fell for that. I was so sure that he loved me......I have made the biggest mistake of my life and now my dad is outside fighting the loser who helped me make it.......what am I going to do?
My dad won! I guess he isn't so nerdy after all.......My parents were right, Arianna was right, and I was SO wrong......now I'm going to bring a baby into all this chaos.......they haven't even been born yet and I'm already a bad mother.......I don't know what I'm going to do.......Oh, God.......
I didn't want to have to make four parts (two in the pov of Kasha and two in Christa's) so I decided to give them each one part to tell their side.........I have no idea who the random old woman is in the fight pic......I think she's their neighbor........she was cheering Craig on so I didn't mind!


  1. Ugh, what a jerk Tyson turned out to be! I hope Christa is done with him for good now.

  2. Yes he's a jerk but Christa is a pretty tough young lady and I think she will be fine after she gets over the heartbreak.

  3. I knew it! I knew he would be a HUGE jerk about the whole thing. That's okay, Christa will rise above this and become a good mother with her families support and love.
