
This is my blog madeover to include other residents of Pleasantview as I try my hand at running it from their point of view.

There is a bit of strategic nudity occasionally and I write as I feel the sims would talk so there is also "adult language." (that makes me laugh.....so how adult am I?) Anywho, you've been warned!

Visit homepage of Pleasantview's most prominent famlily: Taylor Family Legacy

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Family Tree

I just wanted to post a link to my online family tree of my sims.....it can be a bit confusing trying to keep up with how everyone is related!



  1. I did this with my last prosperity and I can totally relate to all the work that goes into doing it! I used the same site you did, but still, you have to keep track of everyone in order to put the information in there, it can be a pain! LOL But it does make it easier for us readers to keep track, so thank you! :)

  2. No problem! I want it to be as easy as possible for people to follow the storyline! Putting all the currents sims I have was the biggest hassle and I'm still putting pics up of each sim, but now I think it will be easier to put new family member in as their born.

  3. Cool, this will help me get up to speed!

    I made one of these for Sullivan ages ago and forgot all about it. I should update it and post a link when I get the chance.

  4. I am so glad that I've found your blog. I watched your wedding video on youtube a few months back, I think in April. And I feel in love with your sim family. Then I found your posts I think over (ack) I think Simvention or was it the Sims 2 Community board. I can't recall. Anywho, glad to have found you and I made myselfa follower of your stories!
